Groups At The
Community Services office
Domestic violence eduation
Mondays / Thursdays - Free
The Domestic Violence Education Group offers a 12-week curriculum that meets the requirements for the Department of Human Services. Contact information and days/times can be found below.
Domestic Violence Support Group
Mondays - Free
This group is for anyone who has completed the Domestic Violence Education Group, a similar class, or has been in domestic violence counseling. This group is facilitated by our DVSV Counselor (domestic violence sexual violence counselor).
Sexual trauma peer support group
Day TBD - Free
The goal of this group is to provide an environment that facilitates the healing process for survivors of sexual violence. The group will provide healing through education, coping strategies, and processing with peers.
Members are encouraged to participate at their own comfort level. As a group we will determine the topic we would like to explore and if no topic is identified the group facilitator will provide one or an activity.
These free Attorney General certified groups are for people who have been victimized by domestic violence, including emotional, financial, spiritual, verbal, and physical violence. The groups cover the effects of domestic violence on primary victims, their children and others affected by the violence. These classes are open to DHS and self-referrals. If your call is answered by the voicemail, please leave a safe number for the callback.