Prevention Education At WRC

The WRC Prevention Education services directly impacts the mission of the WRC to reduce domestic violence, sexual violence and stalking in our community.

Prevention Education at WRC utilizes a multi-level, public health approach in promoting healthy relationships and reducing violence in our community. We provide education to civic groups, schools, law enforcement agencies, and community groups. By educating our community, our workplaces, and youth we prevent future violence in our community.

The prevention education advocate at WRC focuses on bringing primary prevention efforts aimed to prevent domestic violence and sexual assault before it ever occurs. Our prevention programming focuses on engaging the community to create a culture in which domestic violence and sexual assault is not tolerated. 

These Prevention Efforts Can Include:

  • Educational sessions and trainings on teaching skills to prevent sexual violence.
  • Reviewing organizational/workplace policies related to prevention and improving safety.
  • Empowering local youth to have a say in their communities.

To learn more about prevention resources or how sexual violence prevention efforts can be brought to your community please contact the prevention education advocate at